Friday, March 8, 2019
Happy International Women’s Day…a day to celebrate the social, economic and cultural impacts and achievement of women around the world. I thought it would be fitting to share a letter to my daughter today…

 Dear Scout,
From the first moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I had been given the greatest, most special gift. You are so precious to me and each night as I lay down for bed, the responsibility of raising a daughter fills my mind and my heart….There is so much I want you to know about the world, so many things I want to teach you; and as your mom, so many things I want to see you do and learn as you grow into a strong, independent young woman. Watching you grow and learn every day has been one of my greatest joys and though you are “only” seven, I can already see so many glimpses of the young woman you are becoming.

 A few things I hope you always remember…

 At age 7, you are strong-willed, confident, capable and sassy…while some of these attributes cause me many headaches, I truly hope you don’t lose any of them. I hope these traits continue to be refined every day and that you are just as strong-willed and spunky at age 77 as you are at age 7.

 Always be kind. The world can use more kindness, compassion and love. And if someone does not deserve your kindness, know to walk away. You don’t ever have to choose between being kind and being strong; they are not exclusive of each other. And sometimes being kind is the strongest thing we can do.

 When it comes to careers, and most everything else in life, follow your heart and find your own happiness. If you want to be a singer, be a singer. If you want to be a dentist, be a dentist. If you want to be a mom, be a mom. Do what sets your soul on fire, do something that you can’t stop talking about, and do a good job at it. People will always have something to say about your decisions…but own those choices and do what you love.

 Support other women. Have one best friend or have a whole girl gang. Love them hard. Women can do amazing things together, especially when we are building each other up.

 This may be most important….Love yourself. Love every little bit of your body, mind, heart and soul. You are strong, you are capable, you are beautiful. Don’t spend your life battling yourself. Love who you are.

 Don’t question your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right, go with your gut. Some of my biggest mistakes are because I didn’t follow my intuition. Know it. Trust it.

 Have the courage to stand up for yourself. Stand up for what you believe in, for what you love, for people that you love.

 Mistakes and failures are part of life. How we deal with them is what matters. Failures aren’t always a setback, sometimes they are just what we need to propel us into something bigger, something better, and something that is perfect for us.

 Being beautiful is good, but having a beautiful spirit and soul is where it’s at.

 Know when to be silent. Some situations, some people, don’t deserve our words or our breathe...know when to argue and know when silence is more powerful.

Sometimes you just need a good cry, and that’s okay.

 Take care of yourself. Fuel your body with healthy food, give it exercise. Give your mind time to rest and relax. Spend time doing things you love, even when you are busy. Read books. Pet animals. Volunteer if you are able. Stop and smell the roses.

Look for the best in others, and give yourself that same grace.

The world needs women who are strong, passionate and kind. I hope every day I am doing my job as your mother to instill those values in you.

 I love you immeasurably, (more than avocados),

Love, mom

Thursday, March 7, 2019
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

How to shop my

Welcome to my little corner of the internet.  I am currently posting all of my looks and outfits to the app and to Instagram.  I am working on getting this blog up and running, but all good things take time....
If you aren't familiar with the app, you can download it HERE in the App Store.  If you need a basic overview of, you can check out this link or keep on reading! is a free shopping platform where your favorite bloggers, instagram accounts and even magazines can post outfits, products and looks and consumers can easily shop.  It creates a direct link from the blogger to the reader and takes away the need for clicking several links or being redirected to other pages.
Here is a video of how to find the app, and how to find me on it!
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Visit my Amazon Store Front to shop all my favorite Amazon finds!